The Effects of Typeface on Advertising and Brand Evaluations : The Role of Semantic Congruence
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.2 No.2 pp.25-52
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Cross‐cultural Differences in TV advertising appeals : A comparison of South Korea and Russia
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.2 No.1 pp.39-86
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Factors Affecting Advertising Avoidance on Online Video Sites
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.2 No.1 pp.87-121
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The Effects of Colors on Brand Personality in Advertising
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.2 No.2 pp.85-115
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How Effective are Slogans for Bulding a Destination Brand in the Social Media Environment?
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.2 No.1 pp.165-193
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Shopping with Friends : The Social Experience of Virtual Shopping
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.2 No.2 pp.5-24
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The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.2 No.1 pp.123-161
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The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.1 No.1 pp.153-185
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The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.2 No.1 pp.5-38
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The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.3 No.2 pp.45-84
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How Is Strategic Brand Alliance Communicated to Consumers? A Content Assessment of Print Ads
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.1 No.2 pp.5-40
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The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.1 No.2 pp.77-118
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Research Trends in Advertising and Public Relations in Korea : An in-depth Review and Future Trends*
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.2 No.2 pp.53-83
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The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.1 No.1 pp.39-87
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The Assessment of Cultural Competiveness: focused on Mecenat Analysis*
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.1 No.2 pp.119-149
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The Impact of Image Congruence on Brand Attachment and Loyalty : The Moderating Role of Product Type
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.4 No.1 pp.43-76
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Building Relationships with Consumers : U.S. and South Korea
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.1 No.2 pp.41-75
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The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.1 No.1 pp.9-38
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Effects of Cosmetic Surgery Advertising : Advertising Strategies of an Emerging Market in Korea
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.3 No.1 pp.5-42
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Consumers’ Responses Towards Provocative Advertising for Social Cause
The Journal of Advertising and Promotion Research :: Vol.4 No.1 pp.109-141
Open abstract